Willene Middlebrooks
Dear Friends, I recieved my warrior kit a couple of weeks ago, what a Blessing to know that I already had the backing of many friends and family, when I had just got the diagnosis of cancer. A lot has happened in the last weeks … the diagnosis of bladder cancer, trying to get prepared for surgery to remove the tumor, I learned I have cardiovascular spasms and needed a stent placement. These spasms are caused from long term stress. Sometimes when we are a caregiver, we forget to take care of ourselves. This seems to be my situation, comment below mine is that of my husband, John Middlebrooks who is fighting leukemia. Together we are a strong team and GOD has BLESSED us, greatly! We will continue to fight our battles, for the GLORY of GOD, with the prayers, encouragement and support from wonderful, caring and loving people like you all here at CWSO!
Thank You All … God Bless Each One!